Example Items by Hacktix

Adds example items using Winch
DREDGE Example Items
An example of using Winch to add items and points of interest (POIs) to the game.
This mod is ONLY made for other modders to reference.
Example items include a cod (+ its aberrations salmon and tropical), diamond, heart of the sea, nautilus shell, torch, furnace, pot, cobweb, rod, and other random items from Minecraft.
Circle Island located near Gale Cliff’s Merchant Pontoon
- Characters
- Steve
- Alex
- Markets
- Fish Market
- Trinket Trader
- Shipyard
- Constructable with Recipes
- 4 Tiers with each tier having one example recipe type
Points of Interest
You can find the POIs nearby the island.
- Harvest POIs
- Fish
- Trinket
- Relic
- Flag
- Item POIs
- Spatial
- Engine
- Light
- Rod
- Net
- Pot
- Non Spatial
- Message
- Note
- Journal
- Book
- Spatial
- Conversation POIs
- Inspect
- Auto Move
Harvest Zones
- Fish harvest zones are centered on the island with a radius of 62.5
- Dredge harvest zones are the same position and size as vanilla’s (meaning you can get the items anywhere)
Boat Customization
- Example white flag
- Example white paint
The four things in the encyclopedia.